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  • Title: Unhinged
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 30m
  • Rating: 6
  • Genres: Action, Thriller
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Summary Unhinged 2020

After a confrontation with an unstable man at an intersection, a woman becomes the target of his rage.

Academy Award winner Russell Crowe stars in Unhinged, a psychological thriller that takes something we've all experienced- road rage - to an unpredictable and terrifying conclusion. Rachel (Caren Pistorius) is running late getting to work when she crosses paths with a stranger (Crowe) at a traffic light. Soon, Rachel finds herself and everyone she loves the target of a man who feels invisible and is looking to make one last mark upon the world by teaching her a series of deadly lessons. What follows is a dangerous game of cat and mouse that proves you never know who you're driving next to.

A divorced mother honks impatiently at a deranged middle-aged stranger at a red light while running late on her way to work. His road rage escalates to horrifyingly psychotic proportions as he becomes single-mindedly determined to teach her a deadly lesson for provoking him.

Synopsis Unhinged 2020

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Ver Streaming Bad Boys for Life 2020 Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

Ver Streaming Bad Boys for Life 2020 Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

Stream Bad Boys for Life 2020 Película gratuita en línea Streaming

  • Title: Bad Boys for Life
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 2h 4m
  • Rating: 6.6
  • Genres: Action, Comedy, Crime
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Summary Bad Boys for Life 2020

Miami detectives Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett must face off against a mother-and-son pair of drug lords who wreak vengeful havoc on their city.

Marcus and Mike have to confront new issues (career changes and midlife crises), as they join the newly created elite team AMMO of the Miami police department to take down the ruthless Armando Armas, the vicious leader of a Miami drug cartel.

Synopsis Bad Boys for Life 2020

This third 'Bad Boys' film starts with Detectives Mike Lowery (Will Smith) and Marcus Burnett (Martin Lawrence) speeding through the streets of Miami with other cops following them. They arrive at a hospital and run inside as they head to the room where Marcus's daughter Megan (Bianca Bethune) has given birth to a baby boy. His wife Theresa (Therese Randle) and Megan's fiance Reggie (Dennis Greene) are there as well, informing Marcus that the boy is named after him. He proudly holds his grandson.

In a Mexican prison, inmate Isabel Aretas (Kate Del Castillo) is muttering an incantation that draws a guard's attention. Isabel grabs a knife off the guard and stabs her, with the other inmates jumping in and stabbing her to death. Other guards take Isabel outside, only for her son Armando (Jacob Scipio) to help her kill off all the other guards. He frees her, and they return to their home to plot revenge on behalf of her late husband Benito, with Mike being their intended final target.

Armando goes to the docks to pull out a crate filled with money with intent to work with other gangsters, but these gangsters try to screw him over and take the majority shares of the money. With their guns drawn on Armando, he retaliates by stabbing everyone rapidly. He then orders the remaining men to step up if they wish to work loyally under his family. A crook named Lorenzo Rodriguez, AKA Zway-Lo (Nicky Jam), joins him.

Mike and Marcus's fellow officers, including Captain Howard (Joe Pantoliano), gather at a bar to celebrate Marcus becoming a grandfather. They encounter a woman named Rita (Paola Nunez), who has just been promoted to lieutenant and is also Mike's ex. She informs them that she is also now heading AMMO (Advanced Miami Metro Operations), which employs a younger team of officers. Marcus knows they are getting too old for all the crazy things they used to get into, and he urges Mike to settle down, though he disagrees. The two go outside to have a foot race, and as Mike takes the lead, Armando rides up on a motorcycle and shoots Mike down. He gets away as the officers rush to help Mike.

Mike is in critical condition. Marcus prays to God that Mike be saved, with the promise that Marcus will never bring anymore violence into the world. Rita and Howard then order AMMO - Kelly (Vanessa Hudgens), Dorn (Alexander Ludwig), and Rafe (Charles Melton) - to do what they can do investigate Mike's shooter. Meanwhile, Isabel chastises Armando for going after Mike so soon, as she deliberately wants him to die last so that he suffers watching others die. They proceed to go after a judge, a forensics analyst, and a prosecutor, killing them all in broad daylight.

Six months later, Megan and Reggie get married, and Mike has recovered from his injuries. He delivers a speech at the wedding before later asking Marcus to help him catch the shooter, but Marcus refuses, fearing someone else will get hurt, and he insists that he is retired. After learning Mike is awake, Armando uploads his bodycam footage of him shooting Mike. He goes to Rita for help but is also met with the same refusal.

Mike takes it upon himself to find his shooter. He visits a retired criminal named Manny The Butcher (DJ Khaled) and beats his hand with a hammer until he gives up the name of a guy named Booker Grassie (Rory Markham), who would have info on the owner of the motorcycle, and therefore the shooter. Mike goes to Captain Howard, who begrudgingly has him go along with AMMO to find Grassie. Mike quickly butts heads with Rafe since he's a smart-ass, but Kelly and Dorn respect Mike's status as a detective.

Mike and the team go to a warehouse where Grassie is going to make a drop. Mike quickly catches that Grassie is trying to rip the guys off and will get himself killed. A shootout begins, and Mike tries to get Grassie out of there, but after fighting off the other thugs, Grassie is blown back by an explosion and is impaled by a forklift. He dies before Mike can get any info out of him.

Marcus gets a call from a snitch named Carver Remy (Ivo Nandi), who claims that Armando is following him and trying to kill him. He asks Marcus for help, who then tries to contact Mike, but he ignores Marcus since he sees him as a quitter. Eventually, Mike picks up and joins Marcus in going to find Remy, but once they get to his hotel, Remy's body hits Marcus's (actually Theresa's) car. Mike runs into the hotel and fights Armando, managing to pull his mask off but finding himself stunned when he sees Armando's face. He manages to get away.

Mike later joins Howard at a game, where the two bond as Howard expresses his genuine concern and care for Mike. As they are leaving, a bullet strikes Howard in the throat. Armando and Zway-Lo are behind it, but since Mike knows he is in plain sight, he pulls Howard away and stays behind a car, giving Armando no clear shot. Mike tries to revive Howard, but he dies. After his funeral, Marcus officially decides to join Mike in catching the shooter.

Mike and Marcus go off to find a shady broker named Picante Jenkins (Happy Anderson) for a lead on their shooter. They enter Jenkins' motel room where he is coked out of his mind. Marcus tries to appeal to him on a personal level, but it only gets him punched hard. AMMO soon comes in, with Marcus having called them, and they tase Jenkins to the ground. After getting Jenkins' files, they recognize Zway-Lo and plan to track him next.

The team goes to a club where they find Zway-Lo. After attempting to arrest him, he runs for it, and the team must fight his goons. Mike and Marcus hop on a motorcycle and sidecar, with Marcus having to break his promise to God and use a machine gun to fight off the incoming thugs. They ride into the streets to pursue Zway-Lo, who then attempts to board a chopper ladder. Mike runs off and latches onto the ladder as well. Armando shoots Zway-Lo off to get a better shot at Mike. He tells him "Hasta el fuego" before Mike lets go and falls into the water.

Back at headquarters, Mike has Dorn look up files based on the phrase Armando said. Mike realizes Isabel is behind all of this. He explains to Marcus that before they teamed up, he was deep undercover in the Aretas cartel and he had a relationship with Isabel before he had to throw her in jail and get her husband killed. "Hasta el fuego" was a phrase they came up with that was nonsensical but was supposed to mean "Together until the flame burns out." She was also heavily into witchery, which gave her the nickname "La Bruja". Mike concludes that Armando is his son and that she has been grooming him for revenge, since all the victims were on the same case against the Aretas family. After realizing he knows the truth, Isabel contacts Mike and arranges for him to meet her in Mexico City to end things.

The team heads to Mexico for the final showdown, with Isabel ordering Mike to meet them in an old palace. They engage in a firefight against Isabel's mercenaries, with the AMMO officers proving their skills with guns, as well as physically in Dorn's case. Marcus then shoots down a sniper chopper, causing it to come crashing down to the building and starting a fire. Armando goes to fight Mike, but he decides to confront him as a person and reveal his parentage to Armando. He asks Isabel if it's true, and she admits that it is. She tries to shoot Mike, but Armando steps in the way and takes the bullet in the shoulder. Rita then shoots Isabel off the ledge to her death... sending her plummeting into the flaming wreckage. Marcus almost falls over too, but Armando helps Mike pull him up and get them out of there.

Later on, the team is getting along better and they celebrate as Rita has been promoted to become the new captain. Mike and Marcus then bond with Baby Marcus, singing the "Bad Boys" song to him.

Before the credits roll, Mike visits Armando in prison, offering him a chance to make up for his crimes. Armando appears to be interested.
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Ver Streaming Upload  Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

Ver Streaming Upload Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

Streaming Upload Película gratuita en línea Streaming

  • Title: Upload
  • Year:
  • Duration: 4h 56m
  • Rating: 8
  • Genres: Sci-Fi, Comedy, Mystery
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Summary Upload

A man is able to choose his own afterlife after his untimely death by having his consciousness uploaded into a virtual world. As he gets used to his new life and befriends his angel (real world handler) questions about his death arise.

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Ver Dolittle 2020 Película completa en línea Transmisión del Reino Unido

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  • Title: Dolittle
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 41m
  • Rating: 5.6
  • Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Family
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Summary Dolittle 2020

A physician who can talk to animals embarks on an adventure to find a legendary island with a young apprentice and a crew of strange pets.

After his wife's death, Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey, Jr.) decided to hide from the world with his beloved animals. But he has to take a journey to a mysterious island to find a healing tree, which is the only medicine that can help the dying Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) in Buckingham Palace.

After his wife's death, the eccentric, famed doctor and veterinarian of Victorian England, John Dolittle (Robert Downey, Jr.) isolates himself away behind the high walls of Dolittle Manor with his animals for company. When Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) falls ill, a reluctant Dolittle is forced to go on an epic adventure to a mythical island in search of a cure, regaining his wit and courage as he crosses old adversaries and encounters wondrous creatures.

Synopsis Dolittle 2020

The film starts with a storybook-like depiction of the life of 19th Century British veterinarian Dr. John Dolittle (Robert Downey, Jr.), as told by Poly the parrot (voice of Emma Thompson). He has the ability to communicate with animals, and he would travel the world with his beloved wife Lily (Kasia Smutniak), finding other scared or hurt animals and bringing them to their sanctuary. One day, Lily went sailing on a voyage with Poly, but she was caught in a terrible storm where she perished. Poly brought Dolittle her ring back, and he became so distraught that he closed up the sanctuary, shutting himself away from contact with other people.

Years later, a boy named Tommy Stubbins (Harry Collett) is hunting with his uncle and cousin. He is too nervous to hit a bird, and he accidentally shoots a squirrel named Kevin (voice of Craig Robinson). Stubbins' uncle gives him a knife to put the squirrel out of his misery, but Stubbins instead takes it with him. Poly spots the boy and tells him to follow her, where she leads him to Dolittle's sanctuary. Stubbins is startled by Yoshi the polar bear (voice of John Cena), leading him to stumble into a trap. He is found by a girl called Lady Rose (Carmel Laniado), who was sent by Queen Victoria (Jessie Buckley) on an urgent matter.

Inside the sanctuary, Dolittle is playing chess with several mice against Chee-Chee, (voice of Rami Malek) a cowardly gorilla, joined by Dab-Dab, (Octavia Spencer), a scatterbrained duck, and Jip, (voice of Tom Holland) a bespectacled dog. After learning that there are other humans outside, Dolittle sends Chee-Chee to answer the door. He and Stubbins freak each other out. Stubbins brings Kevin to Dolittle for help, while Lady Rose tells Dolittle that Queen Victoria has summoned him to Buckingham Palace. Dolittle helps Kevin recover but has no desire to leave his home. After much goading from Poly, Dolittle relents, tidies himself up, and heads out.

Dolittle rides to Buckingham Palace using Plimpton (voice of Kumail Nanjiani), a neurotic ostrich, while Poly, Yoshi, Kevin, Jip, and Dab-Dab join. Upon arriving, he finds his former medical school rival, Dr. Blair Mudfly (Michael Sheen), there to check on the queen, brought up by Lord Badgley (Jim Broadbent). Dolittle and his animals enter the Queen's room, where he talks to her pet squid and learns that she was poisoned with deadly nightshade. The only cure is the Eden Fruit, which is on a far away island. Dolittle takes it upon himself to seek the tree out and bring back the fruit to save the Queen before an eclipse occurs, at which point she will perish. Although Stubbins wants to join Dolittle and be his apprentice after being amazed by the animals, Dolittle simply sends him back home.

The next morning, Betsy the giraffe (voice of Selena Gomez) and Tutu the fox (voice of Marion Cotillard) join Poly in helping Stubbins escape his home and join Dolittle on his voyage. However, once they get to the docks, the ship has already departed. They spot a bridge, so Betsy rides with Stubbins until they manage to make it there and have him jump safely onto the ship.

While on their journey, Stubbins takes time to learn the language of the other animals, which impresses Dolittle. Soon, Mudfly and his cronies sail nearby in their own ship and begin to catch up. Dolittle and Yoshi go underwater to get a whale to help pull them faster to the island. Dolittle's rope starts to break, so Stubbins tries to pull it back with Yoshi's help, but Chee-Chee freezes up when he has a chance to help pull. Dolittle does manage to get himself back onto the ship, but Chee-Chee is ashamed at himself for failing to help.

Since their map doesn't have the exact location of the Eden Tree, the crew must stop at an island of bandits, run by King Rassouli (Antonio Banderas), who was also Lily's father. He is in possession of Lily's journal, which has the tree's location. Knowing that Rassouli would NOT be happy to see him, he and Stubbins attempt to disguise themselves. They are led by a dragonfly named James (voice of Jason Mantzoukas) to Rassouli's room where Stubbins tries to sneak in and find the journal while trying not to wake up Rassouli or his pet lionesses. The boy gets close, but Rassouli spots him and captures him, along with Dolittle.

Rassouli throws Dolittle into a den where he must deal with a gold-fanged tiger named Barry (voice of Ralph Fiennes), who has serious mommy issues and has a bone to pick with Dolittle for not helping him get over this, while Stubbins is taken by the other bandits. Although Dolittle tries again, Barry is set on eating him. The other animals show up to help after Stubbins has James send them a message, with Yoshi blowing up the bandits' hideout, while Chee-Chee breaks into the cage and musters up the nerve to fight Barry. They help Dolittle get out as Stubbins has gotten the journal, but they are stopped by Mudfly and his soldiers, where the villain admits to having the Queen poisoned so that he can go find the cure and bask in all the rewards. They take the journal and destroy Dolittle's ship.

As things are looking down, Yoshi and Plimpton bond over having negligent fathers. Dolittle expresses his disappointment in himself, which Rassouli overhears. Although he dislikes Dolittle for taking Lily away, he knows she would have wanted him to continue his quest. He gives him an old ship to allow him to return to the sea. Dolittle uses the help of whales to track down Mudfly's ship.

The crew reaches the island but spot Mudfly's men already making their way inside. They climb up another way to get past the villains and eventually come across the tree and the fruit, but Mudfly and his men get there as well. Soon, they are confronted by a large dragon (Frances De La Tour), who begins to attack the soldiers. Dolittle saves Mudfly from getting killed, which leads to him having an epiphany about being a better person, only to push another soldier in the dragon's path before falling down a hole. After scaring away the other soldiers, the dragon sets her sights on Dolittle and his friends, but he then spots another dragon skeleton, which makes him realize she has lost her beloved, and so he sympathizes with her. He also notes that she is backed up internally, so he proceeds to give her an enema so that she may expel all the armor and weaponry that she has devoured over the years. She thanks Dolittle and allows him to take the fruit.

With the Queen mere minutes from death, Dolittle and the animals manage to make it in time. However, Lord Badgley attempts to send the guards after them. The animals hold them off and get the fruit to Stubbins, who uses it to heal the Queen. Dolittle then learns from a stick bug that he left behind that Badgley is the mastermind behind the Queen's poisoning, as he has the vial of nightshade in his pocket. Badgley attempts to escape but is quickly subdued and imprisoned. The Queen thanks Dolittle and Stubbins for saving her.

Dolittle returns to his sanctuary where he has officially taken Stubbins on as an apprentice, and he has decided to reopen the sanctuary to the public, as Lily would have wanted.

During the closing credits, we see Mudfly still in the cave. He attempts to communicate with bats, only for them to swarm around him menacingly.
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Ver Streaming The Rhythm Section 2020 Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

Ver Streaming The Rhythm Section 2020 Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

Stream The Rhythm Section 2020 Película gratuita en línea Streaming

  • Title: The Rhythm Section
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 49m
  • Rating: 5.3
  • Genres: Action, Drama, Mystery
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Summary The Rhythm Section 2020

A woman seeks revenge against those who orchestrated a plane crash that killed her family.

Blake Lively stars as Stephanie Patrick, an ordinary woman on a path of self-destruction after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. When Stephanie discovers that the crash was not an accident, she enters a dark, complex world to seek revenge on those responsible and find her own redemption. Based on the novel by Mark Burnell, from director Reed Morano ("The Handmaid's Tale") and the producers of the James Bond film series, The Rhythm Section also stars Jude Law and Sterling K. Brown.

A young woman turns to drugs and prostitution after her parents and siblings are killed when their plane is destroyed by a terrorist bomb. Seeking revenge, she tracks down a former MI6 agent who helps her train for her mission and set out in her quest of vengeance.

Synopsis The Rhythm Section 2020

Three years after her family's death in a plane crash, Stephanie Patrick has become a drug-addicted sex worker in London. She is approached by journalist Keith Proctor, who believes the plane crash was a terrorist attack covered up by the government. Escaping her brothel, Stephanie starts living with Proctor and studies his research on the crash, which he explains was caused by a bomb made by a man named Reza, who attends university in London. Stephanie buys a gun and finds Reza, but cannot bring herself to shoot him and is humiliated when he indirectly mocks her and leaves. Hours later, she returns to Proctor's apartment and finds him murdered.

Through Proctor's notes, she discovers his confidential source is "B", a disgraced MI6 agent named Iain Boyd. She travels to Scotland and finds Boyd living in seclusion; after she explains that she has nothing to lose and wants revenge, he reluctantly agrees to train her to hunt down Reza. Boyd explains that Reza was hired by a terrorist known only as U-17, who downed the plane to kill liberal Muslim reformer Abdul Kaif; Kaif's father Suleman funded Proctor's investigation into the crash. Stephanie trains for months to assume the identity of Petra Reuter, an assassin killed by Boyd whose body was never found.

As Petra, Boyd sends her to Madrid to find Marc Serra, an ex-CIA agent turned information broker, who may lead her to U-17. Stephanie asks Suleman to finance her mission; he refuses, but Kaif's mother Alia offers her the money. Stephanie tracks down Reza and leaves him to die in a bus bombing. Alia thanks her and returns her father's ring. Realizing that Serra is U-17 since he has been asking Stephanie to kill all known connections to U17, Stephanie kills him with a syringe at his home. Two weeks later, Boyd confronts Stephanie in London, revealing that he will be allowed back into MI6 if he eliminates "Petra". Warned to disappear, Stephanie walks away having finally found peace.
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 Ver Greyhound 2020 Transmisión en vivo de película completa

Ver Greyhound 2020 Transmisión en vivo de película completa

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  • Title: Greyhound
  • Year: 2020
  • Duration: 1h 31m
  • Rating: 7
  • Genres: Action, Drama, History
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Summary Greyhound 2020

Several months after the U.S. entry into World War II, an inexperienced U.S. Navy commander must lead an Allied convoy being stalked by a German submarine wolf pack.

Based upon the novel "The Good Shepherd" by C S Forester, this is the thrilling story of an Allied convoy crossing the North Atlantic in 1942 as it faces relentless attack by a German submarine wolf pack. The leader of the convoy's destroyer screen is a US Navy commander making his first Atlantic crossing. The story focuses on the his command responsibility as he fights the cold, the relentless night, the brutal sea, and his deep fatigue as he chases down the attacking submarines in the deadly game of cat and mouse. The exciting story, a thrilling ride-along with the beleaguered captain, so deeply portrays the elements of battle command that for a long period of time the book was used as a text at the US Naval Academy.

A first-time captain leads the escort contingent of a convoy of Allied ships carrying thousands of soldiers and tons of supplies across the treacherous waters of the "Black Pit" to Great Britain. With no air cover protection for four days, the commander and his convoy must battle the surrounding enemy submarines in order to help the Allies win the war.

February 1942. The destroyer USS Greyhound, captained by Commander Krause, is the leader of the escort of a large Atlantic convoy. For 50 hours they will have no air cover, making them vulnerable to U-Boat attack. A few hours in their worst fears are realised: the convoy has been targeted by a U-Boat wolfpack.

Synopsis Greyhound 2020

During the Battle of the Atlantic, convoy HX-25, consisting of 37 Allied ships, is making its way to Liverpool. The convoy's escort consists of the Fletcher-class destroyer USS Keeling, radio call sign "Greyhound", captained by Commander Ernest Krause (Tom Hanks) of the United States Navy; the British Tribal-class destroyer HMS James, call sign "Harry"; the Polish Grom-class destroyer ORP Viktor (with a Royal Navy liaison officer on the radio), call sign "Eagle"; and the Canadian Flower-class corvette, HMCS Dodge, call sign "Dicky". Krause is serving as overall commander of the escort ships, but despite his seniority and extensive naval education, it is his first wartime command.

The convoy enters the "Black Pit" - the Mid-Atlantic gap where they will be out of range of protective air cover. While they are still three days away from the resumption of air cover, high-frequency direction finding from the convoy flagship results in the interception of several German transmissions, indicating the presence of U-boats. Greyhound's radar operator identifies a surfaced sub heading towards the convoy. Greyhound moves away from the convoy to intercept it based on its bearing and gets the U-boat within firing range, but the heavy seas allow the U-boat to dive before Greyhound can get a visual. After sonar contact is re-established, the submarine tries to slip under Greyhound, but Krause maneuvers his ship above the U-boat and fires a full pattern of depth charges, resulting in his first kill.

The crew's jubilation is cut short as they soon receive reports of distress rockets at the rear of the convoy. A Greek merchant ship was attacked by another U-boat and is quickly sinking. Krause moves Greyhound to assist, evading torpedoes fired at his ship with careful maneuvering. The surviving Greek sailors are rescued, and Greyhound returns to the convoy just as the bridge receives multiple messages from the other escorts: a wolf-pack consisting of six U-boats is staying just out of firing range of the convoy; Krause suspects they are waiting for nightfall, when the escorts will have no visibility. The attack commences that evening with five merchant ships being torpedoed and sunk. One U-boat torpedoes an oil tanker and escapes Greyhound by using an underwater decoy, tricking the crew into wasting most of their remaining depth charges. Krause chooses to rescue survivors from the burning oil tanker rather than go to the aid of the other ships first, a decision he comes to regret.

The next day, the wolf pack targets Greyhound. The captain of the lead submarine, call-sign "Grey Wolf", taunts the convoy and its escorts via radio transmission, threatening to sink them all. Krause learns that Greyhound is down to six depth charges, leaving it with no effective response to an underwater attack. The U-boats launch multiple torpedo runs, which Greyhound is barely able to evade. Greyhound and Dicky combine to sink one of the U-boats in an exchange of surface broadsides. Dicky receives minor damage due to the close range of the engagement and Greyhound is hit on the port side by one of the U-boat's deck guns, which kills Krause's mess attendant, George Cleveland, and two sailors. During the funeral service, Eagle is attacked and eventually sinks. Krause, aware that doing so might expose the shoddy state of the escort fleet, elects to break radio silence by transmitting a single word, "help", to the Admiralty.

With the convoy close to reaching air cover, the remaining U-boats mount an all-out assault on the destroyers. One of the torpedoes glances off the side of Greyhound, and the other barely makes contact. After heavy fighting, Greyhound sinks Grey Wolf with a full broadside. To everyone's relief, they spot air support deployed from British RAF Coastal Command and use their guns to mark the last visible U-boat, allowing a PBY Catalina bomber to line up a depth charge attack and sink the sub. The rest of the pack quickly flees before they can be discovered.

While assessing damage, Krause receives radio contact from the head of the relief escorts, HMS Diamond, that his relief has arrived and Greyhound is due for repair and refitting in Derry alongside his two surviving companion vessels. The crew receives a "job well done" on their four U-boat kills. As Krause turns over command to a junior officer, all present on the bridge gaze at their Captain with new-found respect. While setting the new course, passengers and crew of the remaining convoy ships cheer and send up flares to salute Greyhound's crew for their valor and victory at sea while Krause finally prays and rests.
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Ver Streaming Industry  Transmisión de película completa en línea gratis

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Ver Industry Película gratuita en línea Descargar

  • Title: Industry
  • Year:
  • Duration: 6h 37m
  • Rating: 6.9
  • Genres: Drama
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Summary Industry

Young bankers and traders make their way in the financial world in the aftermath of the 2008 collapse.

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